Romans 12:1 says that we are to “offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is true and proper worship”. Worship is about so much more than singing songs (although we do enjoy singing). It is about sacrificially devoting our lives to the pursuit of God.
Jesus said, ”Love your neighbor as yourself." At Chi Alpha, we love each other. A lot. Whether we're sharing life in Dgroup, celebrating together at a Monday Night service, getting away on a retreat, or flying all over the world to serve the poor and oppressed, we love doing it together. We may not be related by blood, but we are united to each other by our Father. And that’s a bond stronger than any other.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19) On campus, in our city, and around the world we proclaim Jesus with our words and lives.
Chi Alpha comes from the first two Greek letters of “Christou Apostoloi” - Christ’s Ambassadors.
"We are therefore CHRIST’S AMBASSADORS, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God." (2 Corinthians 5:20)

Discipleship Groups are the heart of Chi Alpha’s ministry and enable students to join together and be transformed through real accountability, in depth biblical study, and faith-filled prayer. We are committed to following Jesus’ example of making disciples, that will make disciples, that will make disciples, and so on...
Every Monday we gather as a family to worship together and engage in God’s word. Something beautiful happens when we all come together and proclaim who God is. If you’re wanting to get connected but don’t know where to begin, come to our Monday night service, make some friends, and learn what we’re all about.
7pm @ The XA Building

Project 222 gets its name from 2 Timothy 2:2: “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will be faithful to teach others.” This is our overseas summer mission trip where we travel to countries around the world for a month and partner with existing ministries to proclaim the good news!
You don't have to travel to a different country to find broken and hurting people who need to know Jesus - they are all around us. The homeless, orphans, widows, inner city children - the list goes on and on. Many people find it hard to believe that a bunch of college students would give up their Spring Break to go serve the broken people in our nation, but we do just that.

Thomas & Bailee both grew up in Arkansas and met each other through Chi Alpha at the University of Central Arkansas. They have two sons, Loren and Oaklen. Their desire is to be obedient to Jesus and for others to experience his love in a life changing way.
Bailee fell in love with Jesus through being a part of a discipleship group where she was challenged to seek after God passionately. She experienced God's love for her in a new way that captured her heart. She has devoted herself to loving God and sharing His love with others. She loves sky diving, free mountain climbing, and saving endangered species.
Thomas was raised in a Christian home, but he didn't experience the true Jesus for himself until his freshman year at UCA. It was then that he saw the vast difference between knowing about Jesus versus knowing Jesus personally. He was hungry for a life of adventure and dreamed of working for Discovery Channel. Thomas never could have imagined that God had an even more adventurous and wild plan for his life. He loves hunting mongooses, base jumping off of skyscrapers, mowing the yard, and breeding dachshunds.
Wesley grew up in Georgia, while Halie grew up all over the place, from Washington to Oklahoma to Florida, but they now call Cookeville home. They met in college through Chi Alpha, got married 3 years ago and have been unstoppable since. Their daughter, Eden, was born on October 23rd, 2021. They have a passion for seeing college students come to Christ and serve him whole-heartedly.
Wesley grew up in southern Georgia (shoutout to Manchester). He attended Columbus State University and got plugged into Chi Alpha while there. He grew up in a Christian home, but Chi Alpha was the first time he realized his role in sharing the love and freedom of Jesus with others. Wesley loves being outside and is almost always down for a new adventure. He especially loves disc golf and ultimate frisbee. Wesley has been serving on staff with Chi Alpha for 1 year.
If you were to ask Halie where she was from she’d claim Crestview, Florida. She attended Troy University and discovered what an authentic relationship with Jesus looked like while in Chi Alpha there. While as a student Halie knew God was cultivating a burden to reach lost college students and she has been serving on staff with Chi Alpha for 3 years. Halie loves her (and Wesley, but mostly Halie) Australian Shepherd, Bailey. Halie is always down for a freshly brewed cup of coffee (her local favorite is Broast) and trips to TJ Maxx.
Autumn and Bradley met in the small Tennessee town they grew up in. They have a passion to see college students experience the true love and friendship Jesus offers.
Autumn came to Tennessee Tech to study computer science, though she quickly found she was much better at working with people than computers. She had a new relationship with God and was seeking community that would help deepen this new relationship. Autumn was invited to Chi Alpha during her first semester. Through intentional discipleship and transparency, she experienced an unparalleled love and friendship with Jesus. Now that she has completed the internship at the University of Central Arkansas, Autumn has returned to Tennessee Tech to serve God and love people. Contrary to college culture, Autumn would rather have a scoop of ice cream than a cup of coffee any day. She loves to travel and has a goal of visiting all 50 states. So far, she's 60% of the way there!
Bradley fell in love with Jesus during his time as a student at Tennessee Tech. In John 14, Jesus tells his disciples if they love him they will obey him. This is how Bradley wants to live his life! During college, Bradley received his call into campus ministry. He walked in obedience by completing the internship at the University of Central Arkansas. He has been drawn back to Tennessee Tech to see the future generation fall in love with Jesus and experience the new life He has for them. Bradley loves drinking coffee and playing spikeball! He is always down to laugh and go on adventures!
David is a first generation Romanian American immigrant. His family moved to the US when he was eight years old and settled in California. After a few years, his family moved to Nashville, TN where they still reside today. He grew up in a Christian household and attended church his entire life, but didn't take his walk of faith seriously until his high school years, when he met his best friend who was a part of Chi Alpha at Auburn University. His friend began to disciple him and since then his life has never been the same.
Being young in his walk of faith, he chose to follow his brothers’ footsteps of pursuing a Mechanical Engineering Degree at Tennessee State University. After finishing his studies he soon found himself working as an engineer in Detroit. After wrestling with discontent in his heart for where his life was, David eventually decided to go back to school to pursue another engineering degree at Tennessee Tech University. It was there, however, that he got involved with Chi Alpha himself. After his first semester David went on a summer mission trip to East Africa. He fell in love with that place, and what the Lord was doing there, so much so that he decided to stop pursuing further education and serve overseas for a year. That year slowly turned into a lifetime call to missions. David served a total of two and a half years in Africa working with unreached people groups, and now is on staff at Tennessee Tech Chi Alpha, where his heart is to be for others what his friend was for him - a loving representation of Jesus. David loves to play the guitar, basketball, and a nice cup of coffee.
Sarah was born and raised in the small town of Greenbrier Tennessee. She grew up in a Christian home ,but it wasn’t until her freshman year of college that Sarah actually started to put in the effort and form a personal relationship with Jesus.
She attended Austin Peay State University studying studio art. She prayed to get connected to a campus ministry and sure enough, her first day on campus she came across Chi Alpha. Chi Alpha immediately felt like family to her so she stayed. Her sophomore year she started leading a small group and fell in love with discipling girls and seeing their lives completely changed because of Christ. Her senior year she felt called to do the CMIT internship. During her internship at APSU she felt God tug her heart in a different direction leading her from APSU to TN Tech.
Sarah is excited to call Cookeville home and start building relationships with new friends! She is even more excited to start discipling girls at TTU. She loves painting, volleyball, and absolutely adores her dog Blue.
Chris is from a small town right outside Nashville, TN called Lebanon. He was born and raised there and eventually made his way to Tennessee Tech once he transferred his junior year of college to pursue a nursing degree. Chris grew up attending church but never understood what a relationship with God actually meant. During his first year at TTU, he was invited to a discipleship group where he sought answers to tough questions regarding if God truly loved him or not. Through his involvement, he came to not only learn but also experience a genuine relationship with Jesus. Even though he originally came to Tech for nursing, God had another plan to use him to help others. Now, Chris has a desire to reach students on campus who feel just as he once did. Chris loves disc golf, making videos, running, and lifting heavy weights. If he isn’t doing any of those things he’s probably drinking coffee (Vertical Coffee Co. has a special place in his heart) and reading a book.

The XA Building is open to you! Come by and say hello!
We are located across the street from the FIT.